Friday, July 8, 2016

Fight Back Against the Police!!! Wait, that was a bad idea...

Don't fight the police on the street. If you do, you'll get hurt. Fight them in the courtroom. That's what it's for. If you don't like the court system, vote for a candidate that will fix the court system, or run for office yourself.
Don't ambush, assassinate, execute, hunt down, and murder police. You think they're violent now? Just wait. While this certainly isn't the most scholarly thing I've ever said, WATCH ROBOCOP. Ignore the story of Murphy, and just pay attention to what the city of Detroit looks like. That's what you're working towards. Eventually, some corporation is gonna come along with the genius idea of privatizing policing, and using military grade drones to get the job done. The government is gonna be like, "Awesome. We want nothing to do with this shitstorm anymore. Take our money and have at 'er."
The premeditated and organized killing of police will have one of two effects in each jurisdiction, and every jurisdiction will see it happen to varying degrees.
Option 1: The police will step it up. You're looking at martial law. If you see a police officer, you know he will be scared and angry at any given time. Any sudden movement, and you're dead. Police will no longer patrol as we know it now. Police will travel only in force, and respond to calls only with overwhelming force. If someone gets called in for driving unsafe, they will be stopped with a spike belt, approached by a fully armed and armoured tactical unit, and taken down hard. Only once the suspect and police are secure in the fortified compound will the investigation begin.
Option 2: The police will protest. Do you know what a police protest looks like? It's not picket signs and irritating traffic. THEY GO HOME. If police officers obviously aren't safe at work, they're going to stop going to work. This goes one of two ways:
Option 2 A) Seriously understaffed police services cannot help people who need help. Anarchy takes over. This isn't the overly romanticized punk rock anarchy. This is the only the strong survive, everyone is out for himself, whoever has the most guns is in charge anarchy. Justice is out the window, now it's just a power game, and there are no bystanders or innocents. Eventually it evolves to a feudal system.
Option 2 B) Police leaders don't give up, but they can't hire good police anymore. They can hire only the losers off the street that really enjoy hurting people. Take what you can get. Now there are no good police. Now the police are the corrupt, evil bastards that you see in other countries. The good police officers that kept the bad ones in check have gone home and circled the wagons to protect their families.
The answer is absolutely NOT "fight back." The answer is "stop making the police fight you." Some of them really enjoy the excuse. Just comply. If they're in the wrong, attack their career.

CNN's Story

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