Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I Was Bullied!

I don't mean as a kid, I mean very recently.

Someone I know had posted a video pertaining to the situation in Baltimore. The video was of police officers standing in ready formation. The crowd was getting rowdy. They were yelling at the police, jumping on cars, throwing water bottles at the police, smashing windows, looting stores, and the police stood there in formation, watching. They didn't engage, they didn't retreat, they didn't advance. They stood there. What she posted with this video was "I don't understand how these cops live with themselves."

I was so confused. I still don't know what she saw in this video that was so evil. So, I did the obvious thing. I asked her what she saw that I missed. She replied, "Systemic racism. Hundreds of years of black people being murdered by those paid to keep law and order."

I was just as confused as before. I saw nobody doing anything to anybody else. All the rioters were black. Most of the police were white, but not all of them. The white police did nothing. The black police did nothing. The rioters were totally wild. Where was the racism in the video?

When I asked, she simply told me that I wasn't the authority on racism, and neither was she. I didn't say anything to that, but I thought that was just about the stupidest possible answer. I kept that sentiment to myself, and I said nothing. This was obviously not going to be an intelligent debate, or the learning experience I had hoped for. I dropped it.

She sent me a private message a few minutes later. "Dude I really don't like the way you are taking to me. Of course you can challenge me but I find your tone totally condescending and infantilizing. Aka sexist. Check yrself." That's a direct copy and paste. What the hell do I say to that? I seek information, and now I'm an infantilizing, condescending sexist. Granted, I was probably going to disagree with her all along, but where the fuck did THAT come from? I couldn't leave that alone.

"How does sexism come into play? I simply don't see what you're talking about in that video. Now, I think you're imagining insults." I thought that rebuttal was appropriate. I had intended to stop any further conflict. How the hell did I come across as sexist?

A little bit after, I get the message, "Yah I guess I'm crazy. Give me a break. That's the oldest line in the sexism book.

"Dude we really don't see life in the same way and I'd be happy to agree to disagree. If you want to know more about sexism or racism feel free to read a book. Or start with googling what is happening in Baltimore and you might understand why people are protesting there. I find your responses to be so arrogant and entitled. I don't have any obligation to educate you on these matters. Feel free to unfollow me on Facebook,  as I have you, so I dont have to read things that insult my values."

Now please, correct me if I'm wrong. All I'm reading in this is 'I can't think of anything intelligent to say to you, so I'm going to call you names.' I mean seriously. I know what's happening in Baltimore. Anyone with Facebook knows. I just couldn't see what she was talking about in the case study she provided.

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