Saturday, October 15, 2011

Driving like an idiot

My mom used to tell me I was too judgmental. It's an ironic statement, given that she had just judged me as judgmental, but that's it. I like to watch what people do in their day-to-day life and wonder why. Why don't people think about what's about to happen? Let me try to stick to hypothetical situations instead of the real-life ones.

Why do people do this? If you can afford to get trashed, you can afford the $8 cab ride. Personally, when I'm in control of a large chunk of steel weighing well over 1000lbs and travelling at over 100km/h, I like to be in pretty good control. 

This also goes for distracted driving. While I believe the new law in Alberta is a little bit overkill, I think the police need to have a tool to protect these retards (I'll rant about political correctness later) from themselves. If you're driving on Deerfoot Trail in Calgary while eating leftover chinese food with chopsticks while talking on your cell phone and doing pilates, you should be snapped back to reality in a very severe way. This also goes for texting while driving. For the time it takes for you to send "on my way", assuming you can type really fast, your car will have covered 3 football fields while you weren't looking. There's a lot of shit for you to run into! Don't be dumb. Eating a sandwich you picked up at McDonald's while driving is practically harmless, as long as the road conditions are good and you can keep one hand on the wheel, you're fine.

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