Monday, August 24, 2015

Retraining our Society of Victims is Necessary for Survival

When I was studying Terrorism Survival and Crime Survival, we learned the difference between a soft target versus hard target, and a low value target versus a high value target. The worst situation of course is to be a soft target of high value.

Now, you take a soft target like a Pokemon tournament. Typically not very high value, so you don't need to worry, right? Wrong, apparently. Whiny little bitches who haven't been taught how to manage their emotions now target places like schools, movie theatres, and goddamn Pokemon tournaments just to make themselves feel better.

What's the world coming to? It's coming to a place where the criminals are treated like the victims because they had shitty upbringings. The police are neutered by both the court of law and the court of public opinion, so they are completely powerless to protect us. Simultaneously, our legislators continue to pass laws restricting our rights and abilities to protect ourselves from the bad guys. We don't learn to stand up to bullies in school anymore. We're taught to comply in an armed robbery. Our emergency response procedures involve appeasement and cooperation. The bad guys are being given all the cards.

If we change how we think, if we make the conscious choice as a collective to stand up to bullies, we can make a real difference. I don't just mean stand up to bullies when you're being bullied, but when anyone is being bullied. That is the best way to discourage bullying. Youth suicides will all but stop, because they will feel safe and protected.

Continue this new mindset to the "real world." If everyone makes the conscious decision to stop the armed robber when he shows up, they'll stop. If everyone makes the decision to learn how to defend themselves, when someone shows up to shoot up the Pokemon tournament, someone is going to stop him before the body count gets high.

We learn in biology class about the Fight or Flight response to fear. There is a third option: Submit. The accurate response to fear is Fight, Flight, or Submit. I think you'll find that in most situations, people will simply submit. This is partly because of how we're hardwired, but this is also largely because of the society of victims that we are raising. Everything is always someone else's fault. Blame society. Blame the Jews. Blame the government. Blame the police. Blame the whites. Stop it. Stop being pussies and take it by the horns. It's on you to fix the problem. Do you know what to do if you're standing in line for the bank teller and someone pulls out a gun? Are you going to submit? Probably.

I'll probably submit, too. Any level of martial artist, soldier, or police officer out of uniform and in that situation will probably submit. The difference between us and most of you is that while we submit, we'll be looking for a tactical advantage. If and when we find that tactical advantage, that sunuvabitch will no longer be an entity unto himself. We will own him.

The world needs more people who think that way. Right now, the bad guys do what they please because they know we'll all submit. We, as a society, need to teach them that we will not submit. That we will own them. We will take away their power, and we will lock them in a cage to consider their life choices. If they truly repent and make amends, then we will forgive them and allow them to reintegrate into our society, but we will not forget. If they think we will allow them to fool us twice, they're done.

There, in a few short paragraphs, I have solved violent crime in North America. Now the problem is convincing people. Seek out some classes. There are classes for everyone. If you have years to learn and want to master something, there are traditional martial arts out there that can adapt to real world situations. If you like to compete, there's competitive arts like Taekwondo, MMA, Boxing, and Kickboxing. If you just want to learn some self defense, seek out Reality Based Personal Protection or Krav Maga. It's not the techniques that matter, it's the mindset. It's the conscious decision made ahead of time to take action, and the conflict rehearsals that prepare you to do so.

As one of my instructors always says, Be a Hard Target. I'll see that and raise it to Make Everyone a Hard Target.

The Warrior Creed
by Robert L. Humphrey(Marine Rifle Platoon Commander on Iwo Jima
& Bujinkan 10th Dan)
Wherever I go,
everyone is a little bit safer because I am there.
Wherever I am,
anyone in need has a friend.
Whenever I return home,
everyone is happy I am there.